MITCHELL WEDDING 3pm CrS Bus ? Various Pickups in town to Shore lodge returning to pick up at 945pm for Drop off at various hotels.
Brahms Wedding 2:45 Various pickups in McCall to Brundage Mountain ??? Bus ? People movers 2
Valasek Wedding 3pm ??? Bus ? // ??? Bus ?
Ostrom Wedding PU Various McCall to Bear Creek Lodge ??? Bus ? // ??? Bus ?
Ostrom Wedding PU McCall to Bear Creek lodge ??? Bus ? // ??? Bus ?
Mosman Wedding PU from Brundage to Downtown McCall @ 10:30pm ??? Bus ? // ??? Bus ?
Trumble Wedding PU Various McCall to Bear Creek Lodge 3:15pm drop offs at 10pm & 11pm ??? Bus ?
Nofri/Rosenfeld wedding to Shore lodge various pick ups in McCall ??? Bus ?
Nofri/Rosenfeld Wedding 147 E Lake Fork ??? Bus ? various pickups in McCall
Engleman Wedding – Cascade Hotels to Riverside Pines BrB Bus 6358
NOBO 500 N Main 245pm Cascade Lake Inn 403 N Main, (Across the HWY) 300pm Birch Glen Hotel 762 S Main, (Before Harpos Opposite Side of HWY) 315pm Riverside Pines 342 Cabarton 330pm