Tanner/McGill Wedding TBD McCall Pickups to Jug Mt Pickups start at 2:30 CrS Bus 6415
SNYDER/RYDEN Wedding Shore Lodge, 1st BrP 6096 / 2nd Elaine 6344
201 Rio Vista
Zimmerman/Owen Wedding McCall to Jug Mountain Jug to McCall 8pm & 10pm ToA Bus 7155
Rebholtz Family (Kaitlyn) – 2046 Payette Dr to Our Lady of the Lake, ??? 6287
13:15 2046 Payette Dr to Our Lady of the Lake 3:00 Our Lady of the Lake to 2046 Payette Dr 4:45 2046 Payette Dr to Shore Lodge 9:00-10:00 Shore Lodge to 2046 Payette Dr
Sambado-Rebholtz Wedding-Elaine 7004 CANCELLED
Rebholtz wedding – Shorelodge to Our Lady of the Lake (Shuttles), Elaine 7004
1:20-2:00 Shore Lodge to Our Lady of the Lake 3:00-4:00 Our Lady of the Lake to Shore Lodge