Alyssa/Ronnie’s wedding – Dirt lot in Donnelly to 12942 Norwood Rd, ??? bus? CANCELED
Blakeslee/Knipe wedding – Green Gate Snow Park to 2584 Warren Wagon Rd, return 1PM thru 3PM, JeO 6358
Cox/Jensen wedding, Yacht Club to Payette Lakes Club, ??? bus?, ??? bus?, CANCELED
McMahon/Motta wedding – Shore Lodge to Whitetail Golf Course, ErB 5341 JeO 6358, Safe Ride Home 8 to 12
Larmay Wedding, Tamarack to Jug, 50-60 Pax, ErB 6415,
Ceremony Jug Mountain 1st PU: 4:15 2nd PU: 4:30 DO: 5:00 Ceremony: 5:30 Safe Ride Home: 9:00 and 10:00