Date of Event: 09/25/2021 :
Number of Passengers: TBD (25+)
Pickup Time: TBD (4pm+)
Pickup Loaction(s): Best Western
Where do you want your guests to go?: Shore Lodge
What type of vehicle?: 25 Passenger People Mover
How many do you need?: 1 (may just need two trips)
When do you want them to be picked up again?: TBD (10pm-midnight est.)
Where do you want to be taken back to?: Best Western (other hotels in the area)
Any special instructions for your event that will help us?: We have put a line on the wedding RSVP for those that will be riding the shuttle so we have a head count ahead of time! There are only about 50 guests in total and not all will be needing shuttle service.
Contact Person(s): Kim
Contact Person at the event?: Kim
If this is for a wedding; the Bride & Groom’s Name: Hyonjee and Eugene
Billing Name: Hyonjee Joo
Billing Address: 219 W. 14th St. APT #4F
State: NY
Zip Code: 10011
Phone Number: (208) 869-3971
Responsible Party: Hyonjee and Eugene Tang
Preferred Billing Method?: CC