MDSD- First Day of School
DES Kinder late release 12:30
DES- 5th to PLMS- 30PAX- #5Jeff
CHANGED DEPARTURE TIME TO 9:30AM 5/19 9:00am load at Donnelly Elementary for PLMS 1:45pm Load for return to Donnelly
DES- 5th to PLMS- 30PAX- #1Nancy
5/15 9:30am Load at Elementary for Orientation at Payette Lakes Middle School 11:10am load for return to Donnelly
BRMES- 4th to DES- 86PAX- #1Nancy, #7Dave
5/26 12:30pm Load students for trip to Donnelly Elementary 2:15p Load for return to Barbra Morgan Elementary
DES- K-5- Cascade- 146PAX- #1Nancy, #6Kat, #14Jill
8:15a begin loading for trip to Roxy Theater 10:45a load for return.
DES- 3rd grade to BRMES- 40PAX- #14Sharon
5/18 & 5/19 8:10 am load at Donnelly 2:10 Load at BRMES for return to Donnelly LOAD TIME CHANGE TO 9:30AM
DES- 4th grade to Boise- 32PAX- Nancy#1(Deann/pm)
LEAVE TIME CHANGED TO 8:00AM 8:20 am Load at the Elementary School Idaho Historical Penitentiary 2445 old Penitentiary Rd Capital Building – 700 W. Jefferson rd Moore-Cunningham Mansion – 1109 Warm Springs Rd. 3:00pm Load for return back to school
DES- 3rd Grade to Jones Farm- 38PAX- #1Nancy
35 + 3 Pax 12:30 load at Elementary School for trip to the Farm. BUS MUST STAY AT SITE 2:30 Load for return “Load buses at DES at 12:30. Ride to Jones Farm on Patty Flat Road East of Farm to Market South side of road. We’d like the bus to stay there and […]
DES- 3rd grade- Jug Mt. 40PAX- #1Nancy
PAX 34 + 6 Adults 9:15 load at Elementary 2:00 load for return McCoy, Stegner