BRMES- 1st/2nd to Ponderosa Park- 139PAX- #6Kat, #1Nancy
6/2 9:456a Load Students at Barbara Morgan for hiking at Ponderosa park 12:30pm Load for return to School
BRMES- 4th to DES- 86PAX- #1Nancy, #7Dave
5/26 12:30pm Load students for trip to Donnelly Elementary 2:15p Load for return to Barbra Morgan Elementary
MOM- Mcc to Boi- 5Pax- Jeff -5088
4pax to Boise ap. Should be here by 3:30
MOM- Mcc to Boi- 8Pax- Christy#5088
Should be ready by 3:30
MOM- Mcc to Boi- 7Pax- #4967Christy
7 people to Boise. Group should arrive 3:30 at Harlow’s
DES- K-5- Cascade- 146PAX- #1Nancy, #6Kat, #14Jill
8:15a begin loading for trip to Roxy Theater 10:45a load for return.
Roger Out all day(DeannAM/Pm)(BrandiKG)
BRMES- Kinder to Fish Hatchery- 62PAX- #14Sharon
5/19 – 8:15a Load 1st group for Fish Hatchery 9:45a Load at Fish Hatchery for return to School 10:00a load group 2 at School for Fish Hatchery 11:00a Load at Fish Hatchery for return to School
BRMES- Kinder to Fire Station- 69PAX- #14Sharon
5/5 – 8:15a Load at School 8:30a Drop half at Fire Station and the other at Smoke Jumpers Base. 9:45a load kiddos at Smoke Jumpers Base, Take to Fire Station, Take Fire Station kids to Smoke Jumpers base. 11:05a load at Smoke Jumpers 11:15a Load at Fire station and bring back to School
MDHS- Senior class to Meridian- 78PAX- #54Jim, #55Charlie
70+8PAX 5/30/17 @ 12:30pm Load at High School Stops: Wahooz Village in meriadian 9pm Load for return, 11pm approx return time