MDHS- G.Soccer- Community School- 22PAX
This is an overnight starting at Community School on the 18th and heading to Sun Valley the 19th No Times as of 6/29
MDHS- Senior class to Meridian- 78PAX- #54Jim, #55Charlie
70+8PAX 5/30/17 @ 12:30pm Load at High School Stops: Wahooz Village in meriadian 9pm Load for return, 11pm approx return time
MDHS- Baseball to Cole Valley- 15pax- #8Dave
2/28 – 1:30pm Load at High School for Cole Valley 11:00 pm approx return time.
MDHS- Baseball to Marsing- 15pax- #55Charlie
4/25 – 1:00pm Load at high school for Marsing 11:00 pm approx return time
MDHS- Band to Vallivue/Nampa- 50PAX- #54Jim
4/19 – 6:30am load at High school for High School Band Festival 2:30pm load for return 5:45pm approx return time. Band, Needs under storage for equipment (54, 55 or 64)
MDHS- Students from Boi to HS- 15pax- #8 Sue K.
10:30 am Load group at LaQuinta inn, Boise and Bring them back to the High School. Arrival should be 2:00 pm
MDHS- to Airport- 14PAX- #54Jim
3/17/17 @ 1:00 pm load at High School for trip to Boise. This is a one way trip to the Airport, Return to base.
MDHS- School to Brundage- 229PAX- 6Buses
Dave, Jeff, Kat, Brandi, Judy and Dorothy 3/8 @ 8:15 am Load at High School for Brundage trip Leave 5 Buses, take one back (Judy’s) 2:00pm Load at Brundage for return to school
MDHS- Track to Boise- 40PAX- #54Jim
10:30 am load at high school take group to Centennial high school approx return time of 10:30pm
MDHS- SR Class- Boise- 62PAX- Jim/Charlie(Christy Sub)
Sr Class headed to State Capital Leave 7:00 am from High School Drop/Load Students at Albertson’s on State Street.