AWA- Cac/Mcc- 23pax- #8- Judy and Greg
12:00pm Load at Carey Creek
Cat Monaghan- Cac/Mcc- Mcc/Boi- 8 Pax- 5088-Judy-Greg
12:00pm take out at Carey Creek. Driver A will meet Driver B at the Merc for transfer to People Mover. Driver B will go to Airport hotels in Boise.
Forest Service Firecrew Training- #5088Nancy, #5085Jim, GregChase
Pick up crews at the MOSS center at 8:00 am on June 8, transport to practice burn site, leave vans and keys with crew for emergency use. Return to practice burn site on the 8th for an 6:00 pm departure back to MOSS.
Callen/Kaufman Wedding- No Business Lodge to Hotel- 25Pax- #4225Jim/4967Greg
Jamie Callen & David Kaufman 2-3 Trips from No Business Lodge to Holiday Inn #4225 5pm leave Holiday inn for No business Lodge. #4967 Go homes from no business 9:45 and 11:30 May update on the 4th