Jill Goofy PM
HCR- Cam/HCD- 20PPax -3197- Jill
7:45AM Load at Frontier Hotel, Cambridge
BRMES- 5th Grade to Little Lake- 57PAX- #11Jill
55+2PAX 8:15am Load for 8:20am Departure to Little Lake 2:20pm load for return to school
DES- K-5- Cascade- 146PAX- #1Nancy, #6Kat, #14Jill
8:15a begin loading for trip to Roxy Theater 10:45a load for return.
Sharon Out all day
Jill, Nancy and Jen to take routes
David Out / Jill Cover PM
BRMES- 4th grade to Historic Roseberry- PAX 78- Jill#7 & Brandi#18
PAX 75 Students + 3(or so) adults 8:10 am Load @ elem school Historic Roseberry 2:00 load for return to Elem school Teachers: Davydav, LaFay & Pedrow
DES- Warren- PAX36- Jill #8
PAX 36 8:15am Load @ Elementary School to Warren 2:30pm Load for a 4pm arrival Teacher: Maini