Ashley Inn
Tour- Warm Lake, South Fork (Poverty Overlook), Landmark, Warm Lake
What type of vehicle?: 25 Passenger People Mover
How many do you need?: 2
Where do you want to be taken back to?: Ashely Inn- Cascade, Idaho
Any special instructions for your event that will help us?: Field Trip- Region 4 Retiree Reunion
0830 – Depart Ashley Inn
0915 – Rest Stop @ Warm Lake
1000 – Poverty Overlook
1100 – Depart for Landmark
1200 – Lunch at Landmark and informal tour of facilities
1330 – History of Landmark
1500 – Depart for Cascade
1545 – Short Stop at Warm Lake
1630 – Arrive Ashley Inn
Contact Person(s): Josh Warden (208-315-0474), Venetia Gempler (Public Information)
Contact Person at the event?: Venetia Gempler
Billing Name: Tim Dulhanty
Billing Address: 540 N. Main
City: Cascade
State: ID
Zip Code: 83611
